Enslaved: Odyssey to the West [Premium Edition] [v1.0 + 4 DLC] [RePack] [2013 / ENG / RUS]
Pharmaceutical Date: 2013 g
Genre: Action (Shooter), 3D, 3rd Person
Developer: Ninja Theory
Publishers: Namco Bandai Games
Platform: PC
Type of edition: RePack
Dual Interface: Russian
Dual voice: Anhlyyskyy
Tablet: Not Required
Size: 6.19 GB
Systemic requirements:
Operatsyonnaya system: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista / Windows 7/8
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo@2.20GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600 +,
Memory: 2 GB;
Video cards: Nvidia Geforce 9600 / ATI Radeon HD 4850;
Zvukovaya Card: 100% DirectX 9 compatible sound card
Svobodnoe zhestkom place on disk: 16 GB of free space;
Events razvernutsya games Enslaved for 150 years in the future, Mankind nearly vыmerlo because of the series razrushytelnыh wars. But not Wait, that in yhre WILL vыzhzhennыe desert and monotonnыe Grey Ruins. Nature has not died and vice versa without the intervention of people rastsvela buynыm color. Vыzhyvshye returned virtually rolled origins of civilization and the tribes began to live in lesah. However, on the background kazhuscheysya ydyllyy anyway not January - rabotorhovtsы zahvatыvayut survivors and others in otpravlyayut's land. Ymenno so vstretylys two hlavnыh hero game - sympatychnaya Girl hrubovatыy Trip and Monkey - îíè bыly zahvachenы into slavery. Yhrat predstoyt for Monkey, and Trip is on constantly in the number kachestve poleznoy naparnytsы. But If Trip umret then and podopechnыy òîæå umret, Therefore on protyazhenyy prydetsya zabotytsya game at girl and keep uh nepryyatnostey further here. A nepryyatnosty chashche Total WILL BE Mechanical type - that samыh prymytyvnыh botov to usovershenstvovannыh orhanycheskyh robots.
Kynematohrafychnost. AS
A rezhyssera krasochnыh syuzhetnыh roller, addressed populyarnыy
hollyvudskyy actor Andy Serkys (Movies "Vlastelyn kolets" and "King
Kong"). With him also with Motion Capture technology pomoshchju kopyrovaly motion for Glavnyi character Monk.
World of the future. Yhrokam predstoyt Histor prekrasnыy and simultaneously uzhasayuschyy, razrushennыy voynoy, peace, where pravyat forces of the nature and Danger taytsya on kazhdom step.
Attentiveness and ostorozhnost. Enslaved in the world prydetsya obdumыvat Each step. Lysh vnymatelnoe Study okruzhenyya and slazhennыe sovmestnыe action Monk and Tryp pomohut dobytsya success.
History Staraia in new ways. Above story game rabotal Famous writer and screenwriter Alex Garland (Movies "Beach" and "28 days to come down"). Ymenno ego pen Belong zahvatыvayuschee perelozhenye klassycheskoho novel "Journey to the West" and History vzaymootnoshenyy hlavnыh heroes.
Life in motion. Boevaya system rasschytana on postoyannoe kombynyrovanye atakuyuschyh and zaschytnыh pryemov. Pozvoljajut? Special Attack Monkey vыbyvat arms at opponents, enemies gap on the part ili same pobezhdat's one sverhsylnыm visitors.
World of the future. Yhrokam predstoyt Histor prekrasnыy and simultaneously uzhasayuschyy, razrushennыy voynoy, peace, where pravyat forces of the nature and Danger taytsya on kazhdom step.
Attentiveness and ostorozhnost. Enslaved in the world prydetsya obdumыvat Each step. Lysh vnymatelnoe Study okruzhenyya and slazhennыe sovmestnыe action Monk and Tryp pomohut dobytsya success.
History Staraia in new ways. Above story game rabotal Famous writer and screenwriter Alex Garland (Movies "Beach" and "28 days to come down"). Ymenno ego pen Belong zahvatыvayuschee perelozhenye klassycheskoho novel "Journey to the West" and History vzaymootnoshenyy hlavnыh heroes.
Life in motion. Boevaya system rasschytana on postoyannoe kombynyrovanye atakuyuschyh and zaschytnыh pryemov. Pozvoljajut? Special Attack Monkey vыbyvat arms at opponents, enemies gap on the part ili same pobezhdat's one sverhsylnыm visitors.
Nothing not Vыrezano / no recoded Nothing (100%).
Sewn into Russian from ZOG Version 1.0 from 27.10.13 g
Yhrovыe not Raspakovanы archives!
Installation of ~ 15 min.
Version Games - v 1.0
- Dopolnytelnыy content:
+ Pigsy's Perfect 10.
+ Classic Monkey.
+ Ninja Monkey.
+ Sexy Trip.
Sewn into Russian from ZOG Version 1.0 from 27.10.13 g
Yhrovыe not Raspakovanы archives!
Installation of ~ 15 min.
Version Games - v 1.0
- Dopolnytelnыy content:
+ Pigsy's Perfect 10.
+ Classic Monkey.
+ Ninja Monkey.
+ Sexy Trip.
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